GetAccept Writeback Fields are used for sending data that the recipients adds to the document back to SuperOffice when the document has been signed.
This guide describes how to create a new template with text fields and how to use the function ”Writeback” in the GetAccept Intergration to save data to SuperOffice.
1. Create a new template in GetAccept.
Click the button ”Content” in the left menu.
2. Click the button ”Create content” to create a new template.
3. Click on ”Template” in the menu.
4. Click the button ”Upload a file” and select the document that you want to use.
5. In the menu to the right, click on ”Add” and then ”Text” under the ”Other fields” section:
6. On the right side of the new field, click on the gear icon. The settings of the field is now visible.
Enter a Field Name for the new field, this name will be displayed in the GetAccept intergration.
Click on the ”Save” button to save the field.
7. In the GetAccept intergration, click on your username and then the ”Administration” tab.
8. Click on the tab ”Write Back”.
9. Select the new template that was created in the first steps of the guide.
10. A list with the fields that exists in the template is now visible, under ”SuperOffice Type”, select ”User-defined field”.
11. För att välja vilket fält i Superoffice datan skall sparas till så måste man skriva in ett Program id som tillhör fältet i Superoffice.
För att se de tillgängliga fälten, tryck på menyn längst upp till höger i SuperOffice och sedan ”Inställningar och underhåll”
11. To select what field in SuperOffice the data should be saved to you have to enter a Program id that belongs to the field in SuperOffice.
To see the available fields, select the top right menu in SuperOffice and click on ”Settings and maintenace”.
12. In the left menu, select ”Fields”.
13. There are different fields based on if the document is sent from a sale or a company., in the top menu select Company or Sales.
To find the Program id for the avaliable fields, double-click on the fieldname (”Writeback for this example”).
14. Copy the text in the ”Prog ID” field.
15. In the ”Writeback” tab in the GetAccept intergration, paste the Program-id in the field ”SuperOffice field”
Note that there have to be a prefix to the program id depending on if the document is sent from company or sales.
For company, add ”company-” before the Program-ID.
For sales, add ”sale-” before the Program-ID.
16. Click on the ”save” button to save the changes for the template.